The heart of the circuit is 2SC1946A VHF RF power transistor. The transistor is specifically designed to operate at frequencies up to 175 MHz, with very good results.
The feedline is decoupled. The current amplifier can be more than 5 amps. All coils are made of 16gauge wire rod (copper or silver wire can do better) and HF RFC may be central torus (as shown in the image) or 6-hole ferrite R1 bead.C3 and snubber circuit forms, while R2 and C6 prevent the amplifier self-oscillation in VHF, it is sometimes necessary to add 180 ohms in parallel with the amplifier will L7.That to dispel UNDESIRABLE VHF thereby reduce the spurious level.
The 60Watts VHF power amplifier using the above circuit. 2SC1946A Two transistors are arranged at 90 degrees to each other and their results were combined using "Network Power Combiner". It is very difficult to combine skills in the VHF and UHF